Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bibles Provided For Those in Need

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My friend Amy, from Mom's Toolbox, emailed me today, IN ALL CAPS!, with some very exciting news!

She and Ted, the founder of the Bible in 90 Days program, are so excited about the number of people who are committing to reading the Bible in 90 days, and they want each participant to have every advantage to be able to complete the challenge.

The believe so strongly that the structure and format of the Bible in 90 Days Bible will make all the difference in being able to stick with the program that Bible in 90 Days will provide those who are in need with a free Bible!

Here is what Ted says: 
"So many people indicated an interest in our scholarship Bibles that we've put the application online. Our ministry is tiny, but we are committed to helping people in need who themselves are committed to this reading. To be successful, we believe it is important to start with resources that are best suited for the purpose. We can't help everyone, but will help those we can."
And here is what Amy says:
If you have a genuine need and are committed to the challenge, please apply at the ministry’s website. If you are able to purchase the Bible yourself, or if you are just contemplating the idea, please reserve the scholarship Bibles for those with a genuine need.
Of course, the Bible won't get to you in time to begin reading on January 1, but you can start with your own Bible and continue with the 90 Days Bible when you receive it.

What a generous offer from folks who are trying to bless as many people as possible!  Thank you!

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Celee said...

That's really neat. I had the same thought about our church. I made an announcement Sunday and passed out the reading schedule, but I thought I'd go by the bookstore today or tomorrow and see if they have any of the 90 day Bibles so I could offer them to those in need at church. I hope this is something that the local bookstores stock. I'll try Mardel.

Celee said...

I went out and bought some today. I had actually decided I wasn't going to use it, but changed my mind once I saw it. It's not nearly so intimidating as my regular Bibles. I don't know how they did it, but it just looks like a regular book. I better get back to my first days reading.

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