Friday, January 1, 2010

Smockity Frocks: How It All Began

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The photo that started it all.

Well, it's been exactly three years today since Smockity Frocks has been up and running. In blog years, that's practically a lifetime!

In honor of this momentous occasion, and for your reading pleasure, I thought I would recap the events which led to me saying, "Hey, you know what would be nifty? If I were to publish the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head for the whole world wide web to read!"
  • December 2006 - Barbara from Mommy Life announces an apron photo contest while lamenting that her favorite oilcloth apron is no longer for sale. I see the photo of the apron and think, "I could totally make that!" I also decide to enter the contest and coerce my children into taking goofy pictures of me posing in an apron I made from a vintage pattern.
  • January 2007 - I let Barbara know that I have succeeded in making the oilcloth apron and she helps me get this thing called a "blog" set up so I can sell them. I quickly come up with the name "Smockity Frocks" based on one of my favorite hobbies, smocking.  Barbara graciously kicks off my very first day online with an announcement on her blog.
  • Later that same month, I won Barbara's apron photo contest by popular vote!
  • I decide I like blogging and proceed to post all manner of riveting material, like this stellar photo essay and this lengthy treatise on how we pronounce Arnold Palmer's name.
So, there you have it. That's how a little thing called Smockity Frocks was born.

Some days I don't know if I have any thoughts left inside this ol' noggin that I haven't already typed out, but then genius strikes and I come up with a brilliant composition on how binding undergarments can be a treacherous thing and I find inspiration once again to keep my readership informed.

It's just my little gift to you, my dear readers. Keeping you safe from the dangers of latex is the least I can do.

What about you? When and how did you start blogging? If you aren't a blogger, when and how did you start reading Smockity Frocks?

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Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

The answer to why I began blogging is a whole blog post itself. I'm planning on writing one....sometime.

When? February 2009

How? Set up a blogger blog and put up a couple pictures of the kids. I had no idea that I would actually post regularly or that more than 10 people would read. Crazy!

Celee said...

I think I started the end of August 2009. I thought my blog was going to be a place to post pictures of my kids and not have to feel guilty about not scrap booking. Then I realized that I really liked having a place to record my thoughts. It's fun. I never seem to run out of things to say, which is kind of funny for a quiet and reserved person such as myself.

Amy @ Finer Things said...

That photo is killin' me. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Like you ever dust! LOL. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I started reading when I saw Barbara's post 'introducing' your new blog. I don't have a blog but enjoy living vicariously through others' blogs. I was smitten with yours immediately because I have 5 children whom I homeschool. I can totally relate to you and find you hilarious! Keep it up.

Amy said...

Happy Blog-iversary!

I started in the summer of 2007. Wow. That's longer than I realized. Especially when converted to 'blog years', lol!!

Brenda said...

I think this spring will be 3 years for me. I'll have to look. Maybe it's just 2? I have no idea.

NOR, do I have any idea how I found YOUR blog! :) But I'm glad I did!

Lisa Beth W. said...

I'm no blogger and I have no idea how I found you or how long I have been coming here, but I'm surely not leaving anytime soon! You are often a breath of fresh air when I most need it. God bless you, Connie.

Nicki said...

Me, too, Kimberly (Feb 2009), and I am looking forward to my blogiversary! I can't remember how I found Smockity, but I read it daily and love it!

Nikki said...

I think I found you through an apron review or something. But the thing that kept me was I was waiting on a response to a question I had about liquid fabric softener and vinegar or something. While waiting, I perused your blog, and the rest is history! I just love your blog Connie and glad to have found you!

Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae said...

I think I told you last year at this time that I remember exactly when you started blogging because you beat me in that apron contest. I was third place or some such. And now this year, I finally have the coveted oilcloth apron. :-) Happy blogiversary!

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