Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Managing Computer Time

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This edition of Works For Me Wednesday is another "backwards" edition, wherein bloggers are asking for tips instead of giving them.  **(Okay, so being the super smart blogger that I am, I got the dates mixed up for the backwards edition! Please, disregard my bumbling efforts at actually having my ducks in a row, and by all means give me your best advice! Next week I'm sure I'll have some handy dandy tips on how paper towels are nifty for wiping up spills and cell phones are great as portable communication devices!)

The tips I would like to gather from you today are about managing computer time.

Savvy bloggers know a certain amount of social networking is good for the health of the ol' blog. That means we bloggers must not only spend time composing, editing, and publishing post material, but also using media like Twitter and Facebook to network with other bloggers.

The thing is, if I am Twittering when no one else is on, it isn't doing much good. Kind of like talking to myself, which I would never do and you can't prove anything so that's the story I'm sticking with.


  • How do you manage your computer time?
  • Do you schedule certain times during the day for writing, Twittering, etc.
  • How do you manage linking up to carnivals like Works For Me Wednesday or Not Me Monday without hopping on and checking all throughout the day?
Any tips will be appreciated, as I am hoping to be more efficient in my time management in 2010!

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Julie From Inmates said...

The iPhone is a big help for each of these issues. For one, there is a timer and alarm on there so when your kiddo gets on the computer you can set the timer. Secondly, I can check MckLinky on the go without being at home in front of the computer. It takes literally two or three seconds to check to see if it is up. I really wish that each blog carnival host would post the link at the same time each week and post it. Instead, some post late the night before and others wait until 2pm the day of the carnival... it makes it tough to link up.

Celee said...

I'm looking forward to reading the advice of others. I don't really have a set time, it just depends on the day. Some days I have more free time than other days. My husband works late several nights a week so when the kids are in bed and he's not here is usually when I'm online. There are definitely days when my 1 yr old is climbing out of her highchair and I'm really deep into some Bible Scripture, but it's usually not like that. It doesn't take me long to get on facebook. I get on there 3 or 4 times a day for a few minutes. It's fun. Even my local Bible study friends and I communicate that way. I don't really Twitter except to link to my posts. I often think about how funny it is that we're probably all doing that so what's the point really!

Unknown said...

Before I started my own blog (just a couple of nights ago ;) I would go online before the kids got up in the morning. I then would take about 20 mins in the afternoon when the kids are taking their break from school. After the kids are in bed, I would then go online again. My husband is a HUGE football guru so he is usually online at the same time...lol, we usually spend about an hour on the computer and then off to bed. It seems to work for me!

joyinthejourney said...

I was just looking for some good advice too: ) Love your blog...

joyinthejourney said...

I was just looking for some good advice too: ) Love your blog...

Keowdie said...

I'm with Julie. My iPhone helps me stay in touch. I get mobile updates from my favorite Tweople, and use Tweetdeck to keep up with others. I also use the Facebook app to post & read the newsfeed. I spend a lot of time alone because of my job, and tweeting & FB'ing helps me stay sane.

My online time varies greatly between summer vacation & school year. I have a few inspirational blogs that I read in the morning, and I tend to read some of the lighter ones in the evening after the kids are in bed.

Unfortunately, I don't get to post on my blog nearly as much as I want during the school year. My pesky job seriously interferes with my blogging time! BUT, I did write a blog post today, in which I mention YOU, and I would love it if you would pop over to My Purple Brick Road & see it. I got my 90 Days Bible today! And I blogged all about it!

Nicki said...

I TRY to keep my computer time to a mininum during the day, but there are times when it just isn't possible. Mostly, I surf and blog after the kids are in bed while my husband is watching TV or surfing, too. I got a nifty new wireless laptop for Christmas, so whenever I pull it out in the daytime, my 20 month old tries to sit in my lap with it. So, never mind!

BTW my daughter has an iPhone (don't ask) and I think I would HATE always using it as my computer. I like a REAL keyboard. That's why I don't like to text, either!

ERK said...

I received an iphone from my husband for my birthday in September and it really has helped me to not be on the computer so much. I can check my email, fb, and my favorite blogs while my kids are working on schoolwork and do not need me. I do not like to do a lot of typing on it though. I usually get on the computer in the afternoon when my youngest is napping and the other two are done with their schoolwork. I took a break from blogging, but just got back into as part of my New Year's resolutions. I have not figured a time to do my blogging when we start back to school next week. Hopefully I can get it done in the afternoon.

Vanessa Washburn said...

I don't let myself watch TV or get on the computer until after 12. This has helped a little. It gives me time to play with my little one while she is happy in the mornings. I need some new rules though because I'm still spending too much time blog surfing.

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