Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Card Time!

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Have you ever been under the intense pressure had the pleasure of creating the perfect Christmas card photo with seven rowdy children?  No? Well, me neither. Nope. Not me. No way.

And I would certainly never be heard saying the following.

"Okay, Madison, you hold the baby in the back so no one will notice she's in her pajamas. Her nose is wiped, right? Good!  Children, let's get the goofy picture out of the way first, so we don't have any wise guys messing up a perfectly good shot. Go ahead and make your goofiest face for this one picture."

"Great! Now that you have that out of your systems, let's make this one a winner!"

"Hardy har-har. Very funny. I really mean it this time. No kidding. A serious Christmas card picture now. Ready?"

"Hello? Yes, you. In the back.  May I have your cooperation please? Try to act normal."

"Hmmm... Looks good, except that the baby has her 'How did I get involved with this family again?' look.  Let's try one more."

"Excellent! An ambivalent baby and a smirking 3 year old. It's a winner!"

This post is linked to the following blogs:
  • Real Family Photos at The Happy Housewife, which just happens to be a ROCKIN' site written by a super cool lady.
  • Not Me Monday, which was created by MckMama. You can head over there to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

 Do you enjoy this blog? Subscribe in a reader.


Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy said...

Beautiful! What a great looking family, but are you sure you birthed all of them? They all look so different. My boys are like carbon copies. :)

Lene said...

What cute kids you have!!!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

i feel your pain why cant they just cooaperate for five seconds..oh ya that would make mommies live to easy. My bunch pulls the same me nuts.. but at least you got one good one.. IT took us several tries.. you have a good looking bunch .. merry christmas..

Alyssa @ KeepingTheKingdomFirst said...

Connie, you always make me giggle! I have never even "met" you and I can literally hear your voice in my head. Fantastic photos, as always!

Dawn said...

NICE! Hey it didn't take TOO many shots to get a usable one! :D Boy I'll tell you, I would NEVER want to be a studio photographer. Every time our family goes to get pictures taken it's a huge ordeal. So many people to try to get all looking the same direction, without silly faces or frowns, at the same time... UGH. You couldn't pay me ENOUGH to do that job. You did great!!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

How fun! Love all the pictures. Thanks for the smile and laughs.

LS said...

Great Job! Loved this post!

Kelli W said...

Too funny! Making a goofy face first is a great idea! That last picture turned out really cute too!

Andrea said...

Great pictures! Love them. The silly faces are too hilarious. :)

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Adorable! I don't think I could wrangle that many kids for a pic either- good job =)

Kara said...

Love all the pictures! I gave up and just made a card with 3 different pictures...I can't even get all 3 to smile at once:)

Kristen H said...

How cute!

Sidnie said...

But how many outakes did you leave out?? :)
I only have two little ones and cooperation during picture taking is next to impossible!

Kim said...

When I attempted to photograph my 7 kids it involved MUCH YELLING by me.

Nothing like kids to get you in the Christmas spirit!

Melissa Stover said...

those are funny. i'm loving this!

Holly said...

They're all beautiful. :) Good work, Connie!

FishMama said...

Test comment

Southern Gal said...

These are great! I love your smocked frocks. Used to do it some when my oldest was small. Now she's expecting and I need to get out my patterns and start again.

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

I agree, it's a winner.

I have NOT neglected to take a single picture of the children together this holiday season. So that's NOT why I'm not taking part in Toni's "Real Family Photos". Nope, not me!

Phoebe @ GettingFreedom said...

Love your pictures! Can't imagine getting 7 kids to cooperate, when my 3 never do!

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