Monday, December 28, 2009

Are You Ready?

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Are you ready to read the entire Bible in 90 days?

January 1 is the start date, which is Friday, as in four days from now!

I have to admit I'm a little nervous about keeping up with the schedule, but with Amy (Mom's Toolbox) posting weekly encouragement, I believe I will be able to make it!

And did you know there are over 30 participants who have signed up at Mom's Toolbox who are committed to reading and encouraging others who have made the same commitment? You can sign up there too if you are planning to participate.

Be sure to visit Mom's Toolbox frequently for encouragement, reading schedule reminders, and video discussions.  You can also read my guest post there explaining exactly why I want to take part in this challenge.

Get your Bibles. Get set. READ!

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Celee said...

I'm ready Connie. My husband and I are taking the challenge, too. I know once I get into the groove I'll be ok, but those first few days will be tough. I'm very excited about it, though.

Nicki said...

Yep, I'm a little nervous, but I look forward to it as well!

Rachel said...

I have to admit I'm a little disappointed after looking at the site. You have to order their "special" Bible? Is there a place where they just post the readings and you can read it in the version of your choice? I'm not a big NIV fan, and it just kind of seems like a money-making venture.

Smockity Frocks said...

If you have read the posts Amy and I have written about this program, you would know that anyone can read ANY Bible and still participate. Amy went so far as to make up a printable reading schedule so as many people as possible would join.

Amy also donated her own money toward the Bible in 90 Days Bible to help those who would like to use it.

It doesn't seem at all like a money making scheme to me.

UnfinishedMom said...

How cool! I didn't realize you were a Curly Girl too! I felt so liberated from my curl trials when I started using the Curly Girl method. I love it! I'm curious though, what conditioner(s) do you use?

UnfinishedMom said...

Ooops. Sorry about that last comment. It was supposed to be on the previous post! My apologies.

Rachel said...

Thanks, Connie! I stand corrected. How did I miss that? I wish they would put a link to that on the Bible in 90 Days site, though. I still think their site looks like a money-making scheme, especially when it's combined with Zondervan.

I am enjoying John MacArthur's method - kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from this one - you read the same 7 chapters (or so) for a month and can really delve into and meditate on what you are reading.

I think that this 90-day method would be a great one to alternate with that. Thank you for telling me where to look to find the plan. I was just going to take the number of pages in my Bible and divide it by 90.

And just so you know, little Miss "If you read my posts...." I am a devoted reader. Just a little distracted, I guess :)

And I STILL am a little irritated with the Bible in 90 Days site. Not yours, not the Mother's Toolbox, just theirs.

I'm done. I just SOUND huffy. I'm really quite harmless.

Lene said...

I'm in, but I am going to start in Jeremiah - where I got stuck last time :). Then I will cirlce around and finish!! Here is the link to the 90 day break down I was using (It actually has 2 "free" days built in). It might be a bit more evenly spread out than just dividing the chapters.

Rachel, I'm with you. I thought it was kind of annoying to buy another Bible and wanted to use my own.

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