The Apronista is holding a HUGE apron giveaway extravaganza this week! Click on the button above to see all the aprons up for grabs.
Before you do, though, be sure to leave a comment on this post if you would like to win this little beauty!
This apron is waterproof! It's fantastic for bathing babies or furry friends. Or perhaps your babies are furry, but that's really none of my business. I'm not here to judge.
I also like to wear it when I am working with bleach. I can not tell you how many articles of clothing I have ruined with bleach splatters. This handy dandy apron will protect your clothes from that happening!
Also, studies show it will enhance your juggling skills. Really. I studied it.
Of course, it's also great for cooking AND it flatters all figures. And we all know there is never really any excuse, ladies, to ever wear an unflattering apron.
Check out what my customers have to say about my oilcloth aprons here, and if you don't win this drawing, don't fret! You can still order one of my aprons with the Paypal button on my left sidebar.
To be entered in this drawing, simply leave a comment on this post. Be sure your comment includes your contact info! I once had to draw another winner because the name I drew didn't leave an email address!
Now, scoot on over to The Apronista and see what other sweet aprons you could win!
Have you joined my Blog Frog community? It's the pink box on my right sidebar. Your blog will be featured every time someone comes here from your site!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Apron Giveaway!

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I'm first, does that mean I get extra credit? I would love to win one of your amazing aprons!
I made aprons for all of girls the last couple of weeks, but none for me and all I have are a couple of unflattering aprons, so this would be wonderful.
Thanks Connie!!!
ohh I love your waterproof apron! Perfect for washing your car too... especially if you have kids/grandkids that like to spray you with the hose!
Lovely apron - I always wear my old yucky apron when baking, because I don't want to stain my pretty ones - this would be a great solution!! Thanks for the chance!
Wow, that looks like an amazing apron! Waterproof?!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Ooh! I love your aprons and have always wanted one. Thanks for giving me the chance even though my baby isn't furry! :)
I just love your aprons. Mine daughter is always getting on to me when we cook together. I never were an apron and she thinks everyone should have an apron. She is 5.
I'd love to win your apron. I wear aprons all the time. I love having extra pockets to carry things around. Plus I work at a bakery so the theme carries over at home. Thank you!
I have babies AND furry babies so this would be perfect.
Oh, I love, love, love oilcloth ... such a neat fabric! I'd love to have one of your aprons made with it ... love the colors used on this giveaway one. Thanks for the chance!
I love your apron. What a great cute apron that is waterproof, a huge plus! I don't have one that is waterproof, but I keep saying how it would be nice. I love your design. Thanks for the great giveaway.
dawnerica at
Yay!!! I even like the strawberry one the best :).
What a sexy and cute apron. Love that it is waterproof.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win! I've never had a really nice apron.
My old apron is really stained and sorry looking. It would be such a joy to have one that I didn't have to take off when the dinner guests arrive! =)
Oh my CUTENESS, it's just Lovely! And WATERPROOF...that's even better!
I should really, really, REALLY, win this! In all of my precious apron collection I do not have an oil cloth apron! I NEED this!
Okay, enough with the begging! Adorable apron! Thanks for the giveaway and the bleach tip!
LOVE the waterproof apron!
Oh wow- a waterproof apron?!? I am in love! Please enter me in the giveaway because I am moving soon and have 5 years of dirt to clean up after me :)
So many adorable aprons to win...what is a girl to do? I would love to have this little oilcloth number though! Thanks for joining the giveaway!
Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous aprons. I love your posts. The first one I read was the getting dressed 3 weeks post partum. Hysterical. Back to the apron. I am wearing one now, not that I always wear an apron while I am on the computer, but I just finished the dishes. I am tired of my clothes getting trashed while I do the dishes and cooking. Waterproof would solve all my problems and I will look fabulous, too!
I'm pretty sure that I found your blog because of that apron contest Barbara Curtis did a few years ago. And I've wanted one of those aprons ever since. Covet, covet, covet.
nak i need one! thx
That is a neat apron. My email addy is slfunk3736 at hotmail dot com.
I just found your apron yesterday! What great timing. :) I have an oilcloth apron I "borrowed" from my parents, but I admit, it is not nearly as attractive as your aprons. I'd love to win it!
I would love to win one of your aprons.I follow your blog....I love cooking!:)
What a great idea!!! I would love to win your apron. Thanks.
Oh, I would love a new apron! I'm still using my MIL's hand me down. Plus this one is so pretty!
Thanks for the giveaway!
i just love your blog. thanks for doing a giveaway! i can think of a million ways that a waterproof apron could save the day!
Cute apron - and waterproof to boot! Thanks for the giveaway!
WOW how pretty and waterproof too. Cool I would love to win. Thanks.
I love your pretty strawberry apron. Oilcloth aprons are the best! I have one I wear all the time to keep me clean and dry. But it's not as gorgeous as this apron!
david_colleen (at) mei (dot) net
Of course I would love an apron that is flattering - and that I didn't have to sew! I made a prairie apron a while ago - and have literally worn it to death. I think if I bleach it one more time it will disintegrate...
BTW - the header and colors just keep getting prettier and prettier. Love the name with the flowers for o's. :-)
I can't tell you how many shirts I've ruined with bleach, or grease, or just about anything that leaves a mark (I'm kinda clumsy). I love the idea of a waterproof apron!
I love the idea of a waterproof apron!! This is SO cute, too! I would love to win it so maybe I would clean things with bleach more. Not that I do it now, but maybe it's the apron that has been holding me back.
What a great idea! An apron I would actually wear because I couldn't ruin it!
I've been admiring your aprons for a long time - it's about time I win one! =)
This would be great for doing dishes! I always seem to get wet doing dishes. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love that apron!!!
Oh, I love this apron! I have been a lurker for way too long and thought I would have to come out for this! I have an almost 11 month old who thinks that bath time is not bath time unless a tsumani warning has been issued!
And her older sister loves to help with dishes, but usually a tsunami warning has to be issued for that too.
So this would be such a nice treat!
I have actually never used an apron, except at work, and always hated how wet it would get (I worked in a coffee shop) SO I am intrigued to try your waterproof one! And what a cute surprise for my hubby to see me doing something domestic in a domestic outfit, since I am still struggling to prefect those skills :)Hope I win!thanks!
I love how pretty this apron is!!!!I would probably cook even more just to wear it! ( : Thanks for the giveaway.
waterproof can seriously come in handy! such a great idea! if I'm the lucky winner here is that contact info: send anne a letter at gmail dot com!
Oh, wow. Too cute. And the waterproof part is awesome. I'm with you on the bleach. I ruin so many things.
I LUV the strawberry apron! I always end up spraying myself with water and soap when bathing the dog, but even more so when I'm doing the dishes! The entire kitchen gets washed, not just the dishes! :)
Your apron is so cute! I would love to win it.
that apron would be perfect for doing dishes as well as cooking. anyone else always get themselves soaked somehow when doing dishes? I think it has to do with a leaky sink, spraying faucet, and clumsyness.
I get soaked doing dishes as well, and also the laundry basket never seems to be to hand when I want to carry a load of damp clothes from one place to the other, so this would be brilliant!
Your aprons are great, like you said many ways to use it. Would love to win!
Our sweet kitten, Pixie, has destroyed my nice aprons by climbing them. They hang on the ironing board in the laundryroom. I could really have used waterproof apron when giving aforesaid kitten a flea bath yesterday. That said, sign me up! =) It would be so awesome if you picked my number!
It so fun! I'm so glad I stumbled on your site.
It's so fun to meet you through ApronFEST! your apron is darling!
A waterproof apron -- perfect (and I do have a dog in need of a bath!)
Pick me, pick me! I would love one of your oil-cloth aprons.
Maybe now I can finally learn to juggle:)
Ooh I heart aprons. I sew and collect aprons. One thing I don't have is a waterproof apron and I know what you mean about clorox stains and worse, holes!
i really waaaaaaaaaaant thiiiiiiiiis!
Count me in!
Holler at me on FB when I win.
Alice McD
Love it! I could use this when washing my daughters hair, she hates to get soap in her eyes, and I get soaked!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
OK--it's flattering???? I'm in. Pick me pick me!! Cause I'm obviously NEVER going to have time to sew that cute apron I bought fabric for last, make that 2 years ago. Sigh.
Thanks for the giveaway and link!
What a fun give-away! I'd love one!
Dee Dee
I have admired that apron for so long! I'm an avid baker, and would love to wear this one while baking a yummy strawberry cake!
I think it would be absolutely greedy of me to want another of your aprons. I love both the aprons I have and I SWEAR they inspire me to make dessert. It would just be wrong to serve up dinner wearing one of my gorgeous aprons and not have dessert to go with it.
Would love to win this!! I use my husbands way-too-big apron and it falls off a lot, would love one that fits and flatters! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'll be bathing a newborn baby really soon. this apron is perfect.
Since I do all the cooking around here I dont think "distinctively feminine" is going to look good on me so I guess Im out on this one. LOL
Love and Prayers,
I don't have an oilcloth apron, but it looks like a great thing to have on hand!
But... would it flatter my 39 weeks, 3 days pregnant figure? I'd really like to know about that... :)
I would love to wear that apron when I make my blueberry jam!!!
This is a great idea! I would love a waterproof apron for doing the dishes! Thanks!
What a wonderful idea. I would have so many uses for this pretty apron. Splashing around while doing dishes, crafts with kids, bathing the pets ... Thanks for the giveaway!
What a great apron!
Love this! None of my aprons look this flattering!
Now that you mention it, his name is Troy. He has a pitiful underbite, he is furry on four legs, and... he would look splendid with me giving him his bath while wearing this beauty! Thank you for being a part of Apron FEST!
Ooooo very retro. I Love it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
I have my giveaway listed also.
Stop on by and enter.
Wow! This is the first oilcloth apron I've ever seen. What a great idea!!
Om my I have seen this in a fabric store and they are so cool to just wipe off. I love the colors you chose, and that it wipes off. I cook almost every day with my granddaughter. Thanks for the chance to win this beauty. Kath' at
Love, love, LOVE that apron! I adore oilcloth & aprons, so an apron made of oilcloth is like a dream come true!
Karen G.
Love this! I was thinking it would be great for summertime canning too - I just made a huge mess in my kitchen! :) Thanks for the chance
I love my apron, Connie....I wear it for all of the things you have mentioned. Particularly the part about bathing furry children. :)
Very cute. It would be great for taking care of my new grandchild.
Love that - waterproof - who knew! You are one crafty gal!
Absolutely adorable and perfect for staying dry while cleaning or cooking! Love the combination of fabric and never thought of oil cloth for an apron. Clever! Thanks for a chance to win.
This is one of my most favorite apron patterns of all time!
Just beautiful in red blue, and waterproof to boot.
Thank You!
Waterproof! Genius!
I am so into aprons and this one is so cute! The one I'm using is so ugly and old. I've never had a pretty one like this before, and its so functional.
Brilliant!!! I am always SOAKED after doing dishes with my 2 year old. This would be awesome!
Cassieeagar@ hotmail. com
Super cute! Love the color mix. I hope I win. :)
I work in an elementary special education class. We maintain a garden and I can not tell you how many times I have been hosed by one of the kiddos. This would be perfect protection should I be your lucky winner!
I would love to win this apron. It is so practical and could work for many uses.
Oh please count me in! i'm doing a give away on my blog too if YOU'D like to enter...
What a darling apron....
A waterproof apron would be fab! Cool would hopefully wipe clean.
I would love to wear that flattering, CUTE apron! I've never experienced a flattering apron. Hope I win! :)
What a great idea using oil cloth! I help cook at Christian camps and this apron would be perfect for that!
If I don't win it I may just go find me some oilcloth!
Great idea. Beautiful apron. Thanks for the chance to win!
A flattering apron that is waterproof! Terrific! I'd love to win.
Mama Martin
This is absolutely darling! And I would've never thought of waterproof aprons - you are a genius. :)
Love this! Want to win. My email is katy (at) alpacafarmgirl (dot) com
This apron is adorable! Thanks for the chance to win =)
would love to win a new apron for ME! Thanks
The apron I'm currently rocking is from the ice cream shop where I worked in 1995. My soon to be husband worked there too, so its a happy memory item. But I've been swooning over your aprons since I first came to your blog a year ago. And last night, as I was washing a pan that I always, and I mean always, soak myself while scrubbing (small condo sink + my intense elbow grease = soaked apron every time) makes me think I need a waterproof one to get the job done. Would love to win. I'll even send you a thank you note on monogrammed stationary like my mother always taught me to do:)God bless.
I would love to win one of your aprons. That apron is a great idea for working with bleach.
My mum keeps telling me I need a 'bleach apron' - but if I win your gorgeous apron there is no way I'd be bleaching in it!!!!
That is a darling apron, and I'd love to bathe my furry children in it.
This apron is just what I've been looking for. I'd love to give my dog a bath without having to do it in the nude or putting on a rain slicker. Please pick me!! I'd love you and my dog would love you even more!!
Your apron is so cute -- and waterproof! Too cool!
I love this apron! I've never owned one that is made of oilcloth, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one!
Love your apron -- Maybe with a waterproof apron even I could stay clean in the kitchen.
Oooh, I love the colors. And maybe my goats would eat this one.
I would love to win! :-D
OMiGosh! What a fabulous apron! And waterproof to boot! Thanks for a great give-a-way, I hope I win.
What a great apron!
I have many aprons, but none are waterproof. Excellent idea and so cute tooo !
That is so pretty & great idea. I love that it is waterproof. I don't think I've ever seen a waterproof one before, genius!
What a cute apron, and water proof too! That will be perfect for washing dishes or babies.
Aprons for myself are on the bottom of my "to do" list before baby comes (to help me want to get it all done early!). Why is it that my oldest four kids each have at least two aprons, but I only have one? LOL!
Oh my goodness! Cute and practical too, I need this to wear when I bathe my new baby, and make homemade baby food!! :)
Looks great! I need this just to wash dishes!
Yes, furry babies at my house - I need one of these!
This is just beautiful! I love the colors you chose. Thank you for entering me in your giveaway :)
have a wonderful day!
I'd love to win your beautiful apron! Miss you is too quiet around here!
I think I have been eyeballing THAT apron for ages. Such a cute and sassy thing. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Your apron is adorable!
My contact info is on my blog profile.
count me in ~ I'd love to ba able to juggle :- )
I'm so much in need of a good apron. I've been using the kids apron my little sister got a long time ago with her play kitchen, I'm 20, she's 10, Def. need a nice apron...
I need this! I have a 70 lb lab and i normally take a bath with her! so cute! thanks!
Ha! I totally need this! Love the waterproof part! :)
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