Monday, January 11, 2010

The Bible in 90 Days Check Up

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How are you doing on the Bible reading challenge?

We are on day 11 now, and I'm finding that the reading is easier than I thought it would be. I try to get up a little early to complete it and if I don't get all the way through before something else needs doing, I take my Bible with me wherever I go and read what I can until I'm all caught up.

Be sure to check in at Mom's Toolbox to let everyone know how you are doing. It's a great way to receive encouragement from others, too!

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Amy@ MomsToolbox said...

I am so glad you are finding the reading to be easier than you expected!
Thanks for checking in!

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

I'm also finding the reading to be easier than I had feared.

However, if I don't finish in the morning, I have a hard time getting back to it.

Celee said...

I'm finding it easy enough, but I went a whole week without reading anything other than the Bible and our homeschool books. I had to play "catch-up" on the weekend. I am kind of wondering though why I haven't ever done this before.

Shaunta' said...

Today's reading was great! I really enjoyed it. I started Deut today and at 1st I thought it was not going to be too exciting as it is a repeating of the law. However, I loved Chapter 6. So much so that I'm going to memorize some of it. So glad we're in this together.

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