Updated: Lookie!! I have an Amazon link!! How did that get over there? (Thanks, Nikki and Marie!)
Did you know Amazon is offering free shipping right now for purchases over $25? Since I have been on bedrest, I have done all my Christmas shopping online and I haven't paid ANY shipping costs!!
Also, you can click on the Amazon link at your favorite blog, and that blog owner will get a little sump'n-sump'n because you went through that link.
That's what Works for Me! Check out Rocks in my Dryer and Biblical Womanhood for more great tips.
So why don't you have an Amazon link?
Nikki, I don't even know how to get one. Do you? Do tell!
To get the Amazon button go to the main Amazon page and choose "Associates Program" unders "features and services."
well that's just lovely! I was wondering how to add amazon stuff to my blog and now it's DONE! thanks marie for your help! and thanks for the amazon shipping heads up!
Hey Connie! I went through your Amazon link to order some things. I have one on my site, but Amazon said they won't credit a personal order thru your own site. Hmmmm. So I found another homeschooler's site to use. Hope you get some credit for it! Let me know if it worked, if you don't mind. Good luck on the Baby Countdown!
Thanks, Mamaj! It looks like I have gotten credit for 5 orders placed. WOOHOO!
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